Tuesday, February 15, 2011

And These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

My biggest advice for happiness right now would have to be surrounding yourself with things you love. If you watch as many interior decorating and/or makeover shows as I do, you've heard this a thousand times and then some. But I swear, it REALLY works. And not only should you invest in things you like, but don't waste money or space on things that are less than amazing- the clutter just sucks out the beauty of your really great pieces. 

When I first started planning out how my living room would look, I chose safe colors. It was going to be a pretty space with a soft kind of comfort, but it lacked the personality that I was afraid to put in a room that would be used and viewed more than any other in the house. Late one night, I decided to start a new swatch board just for fun- the kind of room I'd create for myself if I had total control. And then that's when it hit me- I DO have total control. Yeah, a lot of people will see this space, but not as often as I will. And the people that come through my home will hopefully be fans of the kind of person I am, so it makes sense that they would appreciate and possibly love a room that actually reflects who I am and what I truly like- no, not like- LOVE.

Loves of my life:
- Books
- The color purple
- Beta fish
- Frida Kahlo
- Photos/art
- Flowers
- Shiny things
- Lace
- And, of course, my seeeeeeeeeeester!

Sooooo..... want to see how this concept looks/works in my life? Here's new and improved living room.

Something Old In Someplace New

Just this past Christmas my family and I made our annual trek from St. Louis to Texas to visit relatives. Excluding the cramped, seven-person, fourteen-hour car ride, it was- per the usual- a great way to spend the holidays. The three long days were a simple kind of fun- hot biscuts in the morning, presents in the afternoon, football in the back yard, good food all around, and naps as I pleased. But the absolute best part about the trip was the opportunity to scavenger for antiques in my grandparents' basement and attic. Among these dusty gems were an old fashioned coat rack, a wooden rocking chair, a gold clock in a fancy case, a bronze kettle, and this desk and mirror. Makes me feel kindda cool to have such old, family oriented pieces that are highly unlikely to be found in someone else's home (especially once I paint them purple). Plus, they're free!