Monday, August 8, 2011

Rain, Rain, Run Away

Woke up this morning (after just a few hours of shallow sleep) with faaaaaaaar too much energy to waste on grocery shopping or unpacking from the weekend. So what did I do instead? I went for a run. In the rain. I realize this is an image that people either find super sexy or gross and moronic. And the soggy, frizzy version I found in my bathroom mirror 30 minutes later was definitely the latter. Strangely, however,  it's the only time I can recall being that comfortable on a run. For me, I don't run because I enjoy it or use it as a way to clear my head. If you need to think people, go for a drive. Or take a shower. No, running is something that usually shoves my butt out the door after seeing a photo of Kate Middleton or seeing a mother of four with a body half my size, and twice as much muscle.

Things I hate about running:
- The fact that, lately, the only time you can run without the death of a thousand suns scorching through your skin is super early (when I'd rather sleep) or super late ( when I'd rather do ANYTHING else)
- It is IMPOSSIBLE for me to find a pair of earphones that stay in my ears. Annoying.
- Having to take a shower right after (I have a lot of hair, and it's a big deal. Don't judge.)
- Being sweaty
- Running shorts. Eww.

Things I like about running in the rain:
- I appear to be very disciplined/dedicated to fitness
- There are zero expectations for my hair
- I have a surprising amount of songs about rain on my ipod that are much cooler in this moment
- I don't feel sweaty
- I just feel like an overall badass

In conclusion, (and in the words of country singer, Luke Bryan) Rain Is A Good Thing.

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