Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pretty Pretty Princess :)

Spent the better part of my day playing 'Cindy & Ella' - Bella's version of duel Cinderellas and my version of getting a five year old to help me clean. Most of our work is done in matching polka-dotted aprons with a rag in the front pocket. When we run out of (my) chores around the house, we find costumes (left by an invisible, but generous, Fairy Godmother) and go to the ball where we dance, exclusively, to Selena Gomez songs. 
Nine Hours and six kids into my day of nannying, I get off just in time to take a trip to Walmart and make the terrible decision to run in 90 degree heat. Come home, take a luxuriously cold shower, and cut myself in a pretty painful/awkward spot (hint: it rhymes with 'magina'). Stung a little. Freaked out a lot. Hey, told you Cinderella was the better part of my day. 
As for this evening? Harry Frick'n Potter!!!!!!! (in costume). duh. 

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